August 14, 2024 longcha9

The effect of nitrogen concentration on the growth and synthesis of bioactive products of purple algae under green light conditions
Porphyridium cruentum is a relatively primitive single celled red algae belonging to the family Porphyridiaceae and genus Porphyridium. It is the only single celled microalgae in the phylum Macroalgae. Purple algae can synthesize bioactive substances such as phycobiliproteins, polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs), and sulfate ester extracellular polysaccharides. Ismail et al. used phycobiliproteins to produce silver nanoparticles, and experimental results showed that the particles exhibited stronger antibacterial, antioxidant, and antiviral activities than the original phycobiliproteins. For PUFAs, a large number of clinical studies have confirmed that consuming PUFAs can promote the development of nerve cells and tissues, reduce the incidence of tumors, cardiovascular diseases, and other chronic diseases. Purple algae sulfate polysaccharide has various biological functions such as antiviral, anti radiation, antioxidant, and anticancer. Therefore, the development of bioactive substances from purple algae is of great significance for the development of industries such as biomedicine, cosmetics, and health food in China.
Previous studies have shown that compared to other light sources such as incandescent lamps and metal halide lamps, light emitting diode (LED) lamps have a longer lifespan (about 50000 hours) and a more environmentally friendly production process. They have been widely used for cultivating microalgae. Our research group has recently found that Porphyrium cruentum (FJ-12) grows the best under green LED light conditions compared to blue, red, and white LED lights. Therefore, the light source used for cultivating purple algae in this study was LED green light.
There are studies indicating that there is a significant correlation between the growth characteristics of purple algae cells and the production of their active substances, as well as the concentration of nitrogen sources. Guih é neuf et al. found that compared to nitrogen deficient conditions, purple algae can promote the synthesis of phycoerythrin or phycobiliprotein under nitrogen rich conditions (1g/L); However, under nitrogen deficient conditions, purple algae are beneficial for the synthesis of PUFAs and the secretion of extracellular polysaccharides. Previous studies have also yielded similar results. These studies suggest that nitrogen concentration regulates the balance of protein, oil, and carbohydrate metabolism in microalgae cell organelles, affecting the direction of microalgae stored substances. As previous research has shown, nitrogen regulation can only regulate the synthesis of phycocyanin or PUFAs and extracellular polysaccharides by Porphyromonas reinhardtii. Therefore, it is very necessary to regulate the process conditions for cultivating Porphyromonas reinhardtii, so that its metabolism in the body is in the optimal balance state, and thus achieve the synergistic synthesis of phycocyanin, PUFAs, and extracellular polysaccharides.
Studies have shown that under unfavorable light quality conditions, the level of reactive oxygen species (ROS) in microalgae increases, accelerating the oxidation or degradation of phycoerythrin or phycobiliprotein, reducing the absorption of light photons, and affecting light harvesting efficiency and photosynthesis. Our preliminary research found that LED green light is the most suitable light quality for cultivating Porphyridium cruentum (FJ-12). Therefore, it is necessary to study the effects of different nitrogen source concentrations on the growth and synthesis of active substances in purple algae under LED green light conditions. Search for the most suitable cultivation process for synergistic synthesis of phycocyanin, PUFAs, and extracellular polysaccharides from Porphyromonas aeruginosa. At present, research in this area has not been reported yet. Based on the existing research of our research group, Porphyridium cruentum (FJ-12) was selected as the algal species. Under LED green light conditions, the effects of different nitrogen source concentrations on the growth of Porphyridium cruentum cells and the synthesis of phycobiliproteins, PUFAs, and extracellular sulfated polysaccharides were systematically evaluated to solve the technical bottleneck of synergistic synthesis of bioactive substances by Porphyridium cruentum and provide practical basis for the industrial cultivation of synergistic synthesis of bioactive substances by Porphyridium cruentum.

Under LED green light conditions, the effects of different nitrogen concentrations (0, 0.5, 1, and 1.5 g/L) on the growth and synthesis of active products in purple algae cells were investigated. The experimental results showed that the maximum biomass of purple algae cells (3.09g/L) could be obtained under nitrogen concentration of 1g/L; Under nitrogen concentrations of 1g/L and 1.5g/L, purple algae cells can achieve higher concentrations and yields of APC, B-PE, R-PC, extracellular polysaccharides, ARA, and EPA. In addition, unlike other previous studies, this study did not show a decreasing trend in the synthesis of these active substances by Porphyromonas sp. under high nitrogen concentration conditions under LED green light. It can achieve the synergistic synthesis of phycobiliproteins, extracellular sulfated polysaccharides, and PUFAs by Porphyromonas sp., providing practical basis for the development of bioactive substances in large-scale aquaculture of Porphyromonas sp.

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