October 8, 2024 Mrzhao

What are the food and drug resources and health food applications for improving sleep function?

The intensification of economic development and social competition has led to the increasing incidence of epidemic diseases related to sleep disorders. The 2018 China Sleep Quality Report points out that 83.81% of the respondents in China suffer from sleep disturbances, of which 25.83% have difficulty in falling asleep and 26.49% have light sleep. According to the WHO’s survey, about 27% of the global population has sleep disorders, and the incidence of insomnia among adults in China is as high as 38.2%, making sleep disorders an important health issue of global concern. 2000 years ago, the Yellow Emperor’s Classic of Internal Medicine (HUNDI-MEIJING) had the saying “the eyes do not close in sleep”, “no sleep”, “no sleep”, “no sleep”, “no sleep”, “no sleep” and “no sleep”. 2000 years ago, “Yellow Emperor’s Classic of Internal Medicine” has recorded that “eyes do not close”, “do not sleep”, “do not sleep” and other sleep disorders. Traditional Chinese medicine believes that the etiology of sleep disorders is mostly caused by internal injuries, such as emotional, dietary, or qi and blood deficiencies, and that sleep disorders are prone to cause qi and blood imbalance in the heart, liver, gallbladder, spleen, stomach, kidney, etc., and the disorders of yin and yang. Modern medicine believes that the occurrence of sleep disorders is often related to neurotransmitters, immune regulation, intestinal flora, environmental and psychological factors, etc. Clinical treatment is often based on drug therapy, supplemented by psychological and behavioral interventions. Continuous sleep disorders will cause chronic fatigue, memory loss, low immunity, cardiovascular damage and metabolic disorders, and other related diseases, and even lead to suicide in serious cases, therefore, improving sleep plays a key role in regulating the subhealth of the human body, lowering the occurrence of related epidemics, and improving the quality of life of the people. Currently, chemical drugs used in the treatment of sleep disorders include barbiturates, benzodiazepines and non-benzodiazepines, etc. These drugs have fast onset of action and clear mechanism of action, but long-term use of these drugs is prone to side effects such as residual effect, amnesia effect and drug withdrawal effect, etc. In comparison, Chinese medicine can improve sleep. In contrast, Chinese medicine to improve sleep disorders follow the theory of traditional Chinese medicine, through the adjustment of internal organs, qi, blood, yin and yang, so that the body to restore the normal state. In Chinese medicine practice, natural medicinal herbs or (with) daily food are often used for compound preparation and consumption to improve sleep. The use of natural food and medicine resources to improve sleep disorders is safe, not easy to develop drug resistance and dependence, and is a sustainable mode of slow conditioning. The use of natural food and medicine resources for the proper formulation of food and medicine formulas is not only unnecessary to change the traditional dietary habits, but also meets the needs of safety and health, so it is highly respected by the general public. Chinese dietary culture and traditional Chinese medicine practice have accumulated a wealth of methods for the management of sleep disorders, and the application of many food and drug resources has been documented in the canonical records, and the functions of related food and drug resources have been confirmed in modern medical research. This paper mainly summarizes and analyzes the types, functions and health food applications of the major food and drug resources, such as common food, food and drug homologous Chinese herbs, and traditional Chinese medicine diets, which have the effect of improving sleep, and it is intended to provide certain references for the high-value utilization of the food and drug resources of sleep improvement and the research and development of health food for sleep improvement.01 Food and Drug Resources for Sleep Improvement “Huang Di Nei Jing -Tai Su” records: ‘Fasting food is food, patients eat as medicine’, which is the idea of food and medicine in Chinese medicine science. Food and drug resources are the carriers of nutritional and functional components, and the improvement of sleep function is often associated with the functional components contained in food and drug resources, i.e. the material basis. Traditional dietary culture and Chinese medicine literature have recorded a large number of food and medicine resources with sleep-improving effects, Chinese medicine diets and their applications, and modern medical and nutritional research has also discovered the sleep-improving functions and mechanisms of many food and medicine resources, which are mainly related to common food, food and medicine homologous Chinese herbs, and Chinese medicine diets, etc.1.1 Common food Sun Simiao believes that “food can According to Sun Simiao, “food can expel the evil spirits and stabilize the five organs, and please the spirit and refresh the mind in order to capitalize the blood and gas”, which indicates that food can not only satisfy the hunger, but also heal the disease and fitness. In recent years, the role of food and its components in the repair of human subhealth has received increasing attention and concern, and the sleep-improving functions and mechanisms of common foods have been gradually studied and clarified, and the common foods and their functional mechanisms summarized by literature analysis to improve the role of sleep are shown in Table 1. Table 1 shows that most of the sleep-improving foods contain tryptophan, melatonin, Ca and other major functional or nutrient components, such as millet, which is rich in tryptophan, which can promote the synthesis of hypnotic serotonin, which can promote the synthesis of hypnotic serotonin. For example, millet is rich in tryptophan, which can promote the synthesis of hypnotic serotonin, thereby inhibiting brain excitation and improving sleep, and Ca helps the brain make full use of tryptophan, which can stabilize mood and inhibit the sympathetic nerves. The melatonin contained in wine can regulate the cycle of sleep and wakefulness, and can also resist free radicals, which is an important active substance to improve the quality of sleep, improve body functions and enhance the quality of life. It is analyzed that the material basis of the sleep-improving effect of different foods is not the same, and it is speculated that the mechanism of regulating sleep disorders by different foods may not be the same. Since daily food regulation of sub-health does not need to change consumers’ living habits, thus making continuous nutrition and health intervention possible, the development of functional foods with sleep-improving effects based on common foods has a good market prospect. Table 1 Main functional components and their mechanisms of action of common foods for improving sleep.

1.2 Food and drug homologous class of Chinese herbal medicines is both food and medicine of Chinese herbal medicines is often called food and drug homologous class of resources, from ancient times to the present by the attention of more improve sleep function food and drug homologous class of Chinese herbal medicines are mainly sour jujube kernel, longan meat (cinnamon), lily of the valley, jujube, gardenia, Poria, lotus seed, etc., its Chinese medicine efficacy is mostly to tranquilize the spirit and replenish the deficiency, the efficacy of the components involved in the saponins, flavonoids, and polysaccharides, and other chemical ingredients, modern pharmacological mechanism is mainly regulating the neurotransmitters, the main role is to regulate the neurotransmission. The modern pharmacological mechanism is based on the regulation of neurotransmitters. After analyzing the literature, we summarize the types, clinical effects, functional components and pharmacological effects of the major homologous herbs for improving sleep in Table 2. Table 2 Clinical effects, functional components and pharmacological effects of homologous herbs for improving sleep

The list of Chinese herbal medicines that are both food and medicine is an official confirmation of the experience and knowledge in the utilization of resources of the same origin as food and medicine, and is an important part of the resources of traditional Chinese medicine. Because of their safety in consumption and higher efficacy in improving sleep than ordinary food, homologous Chinese herbal medicines are widely used in daily health care, health food and health-enhancing medicinal food. The material basis of homologous herbs also involves saponins, polysaccharides, terpenoids, alkaloids and other chemical compositions, which suggests that there is a diversity in the mechanism of action for improving sleep. At present, most of the studies on the function of homologous herbs to improve sleep are established at the level of animal experiments, and the evaluation of behavioral indexes in experimental animals is the main focus, so the understanding of their relevant functional mechanisms still needs to be studied in depth.1.3 Traditional Chinese Medicine Dietary SupplementsDietary supplements are the products of combining the traditional knowledge of traditional Chinese medicine with daily cooking, and they are often made from high-security Chinese medicinal herbs and common foods, and are processed through cooking to produce a kind of dietary supplements with therapeutic and healthcare effects. The medicinal diet of traditional Chinese medicine is a product of combining the knowledge of traditional Chinese medicine with daily cooking. Traditional Chinese medicine diet is one of the main strategies of traditional Chinese medicine disease prevention and fitness, through the “medicine with food flavor, food to help medicine” to achieve the effect of comprehensive regulation of a variety of human ailments.
Improve sleep function of Chinese herbal medicine raw materials are mainly to nourish the heart and tranquilize the mind and the town to tranquilize the mind two categories, so tranquilize the mind class of Chinese medicine meal is often divided into nourish the heart and tranquilize the mind and the town to tranquilize the mind two categories. Nourish the heart and tranquilize the mind medicinal diet often to sour jujube nut, cypress kernel, lily, lotus seed, jujube, rose, etc. for the composition of raw materials, its role is moderate, no toxic side effects, easy to serve for a long time; heavy town of tranquilize the mind medicinal diet commonly used as a raw material for the composition of the bones, magnetite, vermilion and other Chinese medicinal herbs, with certain toxic side effects, should not be served for a long time, is generally not considered as a development of functional foods and resources. The literature sources, raw material formulas, main effects and clinical applications of common medicinal dietary formulas for nourishing the heart and calming the mind are summarized in Table 3. 12 medicinal dietary formulas for improving sleep function are collected in Table 3. Analyzed from the perspective of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), most of the dietary dietary formulas are based on nourishing the heart and calming the mind with food and medicinal resources as functional raw materials, and nourishing the heart and strengthening the spleen and other food ingredients as the carrier, which are calm in nature and suitable to be applied to qi, blood, yin, and yang deficiencies, etc.; modern functional analysis is based on improving the gastrointestinal tract and improving the gastric tract. Modern functional analysis is to improve gastrointestinal function, enhance immunity and other aspects of the main governing mechanism, mostly applied to palpitations, insomnia, forgetfulness and other symptoms. Chinese medicine diet will improve the sleep of Chinese herbs and food in nutrition, efficacy and sensory after a reasonable combination of application, not only do not have to change the traditional dietary habits, but also to strengthen the body, prevention and treatment of disease, can be well integrated into daily life, consumer acceptability. Based on Chinese medicine dietary development in line with modern requirements of health food or special health food has a good feasibility and high reliability, part of the health care function of the tranquility class dietary has been verified. Shao Yuan found that the addition of Ganmai Dazao Tang to randomly selected postpartum female patients treated with Ganmai Dazao Tang for 2 weeks could effectively improve the sleep disorders of postpartum females and correct the state of depression, and the efficacy of the treatment is worthy of affirmation. Liu Yuan and Li Xianxiao found that the application of Erxian Tang combined with Ganmai Dazao Tang and Ganmai Dazao Tang combined with Sour Jujube Ren Tang can effectively improve the sleep quality of patients with insomnia in menopause, and the clinical effect is definite. Table 3 Literature source, raw material composition, clinical efficacy and clinical application of 12 Chinese medicine dietary prescriptions for nourishing the heart and tranquilizing the mind.

Functional Mechanisms of Food and Drug Resources to Improve Sleep
The experience of traditional Chinese medicine in regulating sleep disorders originates from the results of long-term practice and observation of human beings, and the function and mechanism of action of related food and drug resources have been gradually verified in modern experimental studies. Comprehensive analysis of the literature suggests that the improvement of sleep by natural food and drug resources mainly involves neurotransmitter regulation, immune regulation and adjustment of intestinal flora, etc. 2.1 Neurotransmitter regulation 2.1.1 γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA) GABA is a kind of non-protein amino acid widely distributed in vertebrates, plants and microorganisms, and it belongs to the category of strong neuroinhibitory amino acid, with the ability of sedation and inhibition. GABA is a non-protein amino acid widely distributed in vertebrates, plants and microorganisms, and is a strong neuroinhibitory amino acid with the physiological effects of sedation, hypnosis, anticonvulsant and blood pressure lowering. Wang Liling et al. found that jujube improves sleep and is rich in GABA active ingredients, GABA receptor is a Cl-channel, its activation will lead to the opening of the Cl-channel, increase the permeability of the cell membrane to Cl-, so that the Cl- flow into the cell membrane hyperpolarization caused by the nerve cells. GABAA receptor is a Cl-channel, its activation will lead to the opening of the Cl-channel, increase the permeability of the cell membrane to Cl-, so that the inflow of Cl- into the neuronal cells will cause hyperpolarization of the cell membrane, inhibit the agitation of neuronal cells, and thus achieve the effect of sedative-hypnotic.GABAA receptor is also known as the γ-amino butyric acid A-type receptor, and the endogenous ligand of it is GABA. Nam et al. found that methanolic extract of longan enhanced the hypnotic effect of pentobarbital in pentobarbital-treated mice, and the mechanism of action was to increase the sensitivity of GABAA receptors to pentobarbital through direct activation of GABAA receptor or increasing the expression of subunits of GABAA receptor to improve the sleep effect. It has also been reported in the literature that GABA can improve sleep through the gut-brain axis, brain tissue permeability and its metabolites in vivo. As a functional ingredient, GABA was recognized as a new food ingredient by the Ministry of Health in 2009, and is now widely used in the food and pharmaceutical industries.2.1.2 5-Hydroxytryptamine (5-HT) 5-HT is a kind of inhibitory neurotransmitter widely existed in mammalian tissues, which is mainly distributed in the pineal gland and hypothalamus, and involved in the physiological functions of nociception, sleep, and body temperature, 5-HT is mainly produced by cells in the nucleus accumbens region and plays an important role in slow-wave sleep. Studies have shown that after electrodestruction of the anterior part of the nucleus accumbens, the animals will be insomniac and the slow-wave sleep will be significantly reduced; however, after the injection of 5-hydroxytryptophan (5-HTP), the sleep will be restored to normal. Tryptophan and 5-HTP are both precursors of 5-HT, and tryptophan is catalyzed by tryptophan hydroxylase to generate 5-HTP, which is then catalyzed by 5-HTP decarboxylase and pyridoxine cofactor enzyme to generate 5-HT. Therefore, the mechanism of improvement of sleep through dietary intake of tryptophan-rich foods such as milk and millet is related to 5-HT. The literature suggests that 5-HT can promote both arousal and slow-wave sleep, which is related to the activated 5-HT-receptor subtype. Xiao Weihua found that cypress kernel oil could improve sleep through three pathways: 5-HT, Norepinephrine (NE) and Dopamine (DA). The 5-HT pathway may improve sleep by promoting the release of 5-HT from the suprachiasmatic nucleus to promote slow-wave sleep, or by promoting the accelerated release of 5-HT from the infrachiasmatic nucleus to trigger REMS in the NE system of the lower part of the macula densa. Huang Jiecong et al. found that the Foshan Ning Shen formula (Foshan, Lily, Jujube nut, Poria, and Lotus seed) could improve sleep by increasing the content of 5-HT and up-regulating the expression level of 5-HT1AR protein and mRNA. It was found that sour jujube nut soup could reduce the time of voluntary activity in rats, and the mechanism of its sleep-improving effect was related to the expression of 5-HT1AR and 5-HT2AR.2.1.3 Norepinephrine (NE) and dopamine (DA) NE is a kind of neurotransmitter, which regulates the process of sleep-wakefulness, and its release peaks in the waking state, and in the NRW state, its release peaks in the NRW state, and in the NRW state, its release peaks in the NRW state. NE is a neurotransmitter that regulates the sleep-wake process, and its release peaks in the wake state, begins to decline in the NREMS state, and decreases to a minimum in the REMS state. Many drugs used to treat insomnia work by affecting signaling through the inhibition of NE, which is mainly found in the cells of the blue-spot region and plays an important role in fast-wave sleep. If the head of the blue spot is destroyed, the EEG shows sleep-like synchronized slow wave; if the middle and back of the blue spot are destroyed, fast wave sleep disappears.DA is the precursor of NE synthesis in vivo, and it is generally believed that when DA neurons are excited, arousal increases, and the animal’s sleep decreases, and vice versa, the sleep time grows.DA pathway improves the quality of sleep in mice by regulating the DA content in the midbrain and inhibiting the activity of DA neurons in the brain. The DA pathway can improve the sleep quality of mice by regulating the DA level in the midbrain and inhibiting the DA neuron activity in the brain. Xiao Weihua found that the NE pathway of cypress seed oil promotes the release of NE in the middle and lower parts of the blue spot, thus promoting REMS; Kang Lu et al. found that gardenia black bean soup and Tianwang Xinxindan can improve the sleep of mice by regulating the content of NE and 5-HT.2.1.4 GLUTAMIC ACID (Glu) Glu is the excitatory neurotransmitter with the largest amount in brain, and it is the most abundant neurotransmitter in central nervous system. Glu is one of the most abundant excitatory neurotransmitters in the brain and plays an important regulatory role in the central nervous system. When a nerve impulse is transmitted to a nerve ending, Glu is released from the presynaptic membrane and rapidly diffuses into the synapse, where it binds to the receptor and opens the Na+ and K+ channel gates, resulting in an excitatory effect. Literature suggests that Glu has a high affinity for N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor (NMDA receptor), which can cause repeated opening of NMDA receptor channels, resulting in Ca2+ inward flow and release of intracellular Ca2+ from the cells caused by activation of the Glu receptor, resulting in a sustained increase in the intracellular concentration of Ca2+, which in turn can lead to sleep disorders. Du Chenhui et al. found that sour jujube kernel could significantly reduce the Glu content in rats, and it can be hypothesized that its functional mechanism is related to the regulation of Glu content. In addition, Zhang Shunbo et al. found that the total saponin of sour jujube kernel could reduce the excitatory neurotoxicity in the brain by down-regulating the content and ratio of Glu and GABA neurotransmitters in the rats, so as to achieve the efficacy of improving sleep, which indicated that sour jujube kernel could play a sedative and hypnotic effect through the mechanism of Glu and GABA. GABA belongs to the strong neuroinhibitory amino acid, and Glu belongs to the excitatory neurotransmitter, so many resources for improving sleep are through improving the Glu and GABA. Therefore, many sleep-improving resources work by improving the excitatory/inhibitory metabolic imbalance of Glu/GABA and regulating the Glu/GABA ratio.2.1.5 Melatonin Melatonin is an amine hormone produced by the pineal gland in both mammals and humans, which reduces the time of awakening and the time of falling asleep. Melatonin regulates sleep by activating the MT1 and MT2 receptors: MT1 mainly inhibits neuronal activity and regulates sleep, while MT2 is mainly involved in circadian rhythms. Rodriguez-Naranjo et al. found that melatonin is formed in wine during the fermentation process, and therefore consumption of wine can help improve sleep. Walnuts are rich in tryptophan and melatonin, and food-borne tryptophan can eventually be converted into melatonin in the body, so walnuts can improve sleep and melatonin mechanism. At present, the physiological functions of melatonin, especially as a dietary supplement, have been widely studied at home and abroad, indicating that it has the physiological functions of improving sleep, regulating jet lag, anti-aging, immune regulation, anti-tumor, etc. 2.1.6 Other neurotransmitters such as Nitric Oxide (NO), acetylcholine (ACh) and histamine can also improve sleep. Nitric Oxide (NO), acetylcholine (ACh) and histamine can also participate in the regulation of the sleep-wake cycle, and the regulation of their content can achieve the effect of improving sleep. Huang Lili et al. found that Sibisan can significantly increase the NO content and NOS activity in the whole brain of mice; increasing the endogenous NO content in an appropriate amount can prolong the sleep time and shorten the sleep latency of mice, which indicates that Sibisan can improve the sleep function by increasing the NO content and enhancing the NOS activity in an appropriate amount. Sun Yina et al. found that ginseng, Acorus calamus and ginseng-acorus calamus pairs could prolong the sleep time and shorten the sleep latency period of mice, and there were significant differences in the Ach content and the activity of acetylcholine transferase (ChAT) in the brain tissues of rats in the traditional Chinese medicine intervention group and in the sleep deprivation group, which indicated that the tranquilizing effect of ginseng-acorus calamus was related to the regulation of the Ach content.2.2 Immunomodulating effect When bacterial and viral infections can activate the body to improve sleep function by increasing the NO content and enhancing the NOS activity in appropriate amounts. viral infections can activate the body’s immune function and also promote sleep, its immunomodulatory substances may act on the central nervous system thus affecting the sleep process, and many immune enhancers can also increase sleep.Imeri et al. showed that interleukin 1 (IL-1) may interact with the central nervous system and thus promote the regulation of normal sleep. Tumor necrosis factor (TNF) is also one of the important cytokines of the immune system, which can be involved in the regulation of NREMS and promote sleep by enhancing the function of the 5-HT system. Wang Wanli found that ginsenoside Rb1 can alter sleep structure by regulating the expression of IL-1β and TNF-α in the hippocampus and hypothalamus of rats, suggesting that ginsenoside Rb1 may be related to the regulation of immune cytokines.2.3 Intestinal flora regulationIntestinal flora is an important part of the gastrointestinal tract of the human body and a major participant in the cerebral-gastrointestinal axis.2.3 Intestinal Flora RegulationIntestinal flora is an important part of the gastrointestinal tract of the human body and a major participant in the cerebral-gastrointestinal axis. Sleep has a close relationship with gut flora, and short periods of sleep can trigger physiological stress responses, while both physiological and psychological stress can disrupt the normal function of gut flora. Gut flora communicates with the central nervous system through neurological, immune and endocrine pathways, thus affecting brain function and behavior. Jackson et al. found that improving the distribution of gut microbes can effectively improve sleep and mood. Chen Tingqiang found that banana oligosaccharides could adjust the composition of intestinal microflora, and that banana’s ability to improve sleep may be related to its ability to improve intestinal flora.

According to the search of special food information query platform on the website of the State Market Supervision Administration, a total of 594 sleep-improving functional health food products have been approved for registration in China, and through the analysis and summarization of the functions and formulas of all the products, it is found that more sleep-improving functional health food products have been approved to enhance immunity, improve the function of the gastrointestinal tract (laxative) and assist in lowering blood pressure, etc. The distribution of product functions is shown in Fig. 1. The distribution of product functions is shown in Fig. 1. The frequency of function distribution of health food products with function of improving sleep is preceded by the functions of enhancing immunity, improving gastrointestinal function (laxative) and assisting in lowering blood pressure, and it can be speculated that the improvement of sleep may be more related to the above mentioned other functions or mechanisms. Sleep disorders affect immune function, gastrointestinal function, and inflammatory processes, and changes in intestinal flora also affect sleep.Ali et al. found that sleep quality was highly correlated with intestinal mucosal inflammation, and the incidence of sleep disorders was as high as 100% in patients with inflammatory bowel disease in the active phase; 61% of patients with sleep disorders in the remission phase had endoscopic mucosal histologic inflammation. Nan Wang et al. concluded that nutrients, after being absorbed and utilized by intestinal microorganisms, can be metabolized into small molecules such as GABA and 5-HT, which can be fed back to the central nervous system through the vagus nerve, thus realizing the communication between the gut and the brain and thus affecting sleep. Peng Wei et al. also summarized and analyzed that intestinal flora and sleep disorders can interact with each other through the neurological, endocrine, immune and metabolic pathways of the gut-brain axis, for example, intestinal flora can promote sleep by enhancing the ability of IL-1 and TNF-α. Figure 1: Frequency distribution of functions of health food for improving sleep can be used to explore the connection between sleep and various subhealth problems from another perspective, as well as the synergistic relationship between improving sleep and other health functions.
Figure 1 Statistics on the number of health food products for improving sleep

Through the analysis of the raw material formula of the sleep improvement health food, it is found that the most used food and drug resources in the sleep improvement health food are, in order, jujube seed, melatonin, schizandra, asparagus, pearl, farnesol, lily, etc., and most of them are mostly based on the application of compound prescription of traditional Chinese medicinal herbs. Melatonin-based health food products for improving sleep are mainly melatonin single formula and melatonin + vitamins. Figure 2 shows the results of the frequency analysis of the application of 7 major raw materials in the formula of health food for improving sleep. Figure 2 shows that, except for melatonin, the ones with higher frequency of application in the formula are Chinese herbal medicines, which are, in order, jujube kernel, schizandra chinensis, tianmai, pearl, farzhi, and lily of the valley, and the frequency of use of food and medicine resources reflects, to a certain extent, the value and status of the relevant resources in the application of health food for improving sleep, and the frequency of use indicates that the resources can be used for improving sleep. The frequency of use shows that among the Chinese herbal medicines that can be used in health food, Schisandra chinensis and Tianma are more frequently applied; and sour jujube kernel and lily of the valley have a better application prospect as Chinese herbal medicines of the food and medicine homologous category.

Figure 2 Frequency distribution of the main raw materials used in health food for improving sleep

Conclusion Sleep disorder is a modern chronic epidemic disease with insidious onset and long duration, which seriously threatens human health. Natural food and medicine resources have better efficacy and higher safety in improving sleep, which is in line with the modern health concept of natural, green and healthy. Chinese medicine is a great treasure trove, and its results are all derived from real-world practical research with high practical application value. The development of safe and effective health food based on natural food and medicine resources as raw materials, modern food engineering technology, combined with the use of Chinese medicine and modern nutrition theory has a good market prospect. Modern medical research has found that the functional components of food and medicine resources to improve sleep mainly involve tryptophan, melatonin, Ca, saponins, flavonoids, polysaccharides, etc.; its mechanism of action mainly involves neurotransmitter regulation, immune regulation, intestinal flora adjustment, etc., and there is also a complex interaction between each function and mechanism. With the in-depth study of the functional components and mechanisms of modern medicine, the diversity of active components and functional mechanisms of food and drug resources for improving sleep will be further analyzed, especially the correlation between improving sleep and enhancing immunity, improving gastrointestinal function, lowering blood pressure and other functions is highly expected.

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