September 17, 2024 Mrzhao

What is the consumer demand for sugar-free, sustainable and healthy confectionery?

As the quest to improve health through food plays an important role in food and beverage innovation, the confectionery sector is delivering healthier products to consumers.
Innova Market Insights reports that innovation in confectionery products continues to grow as consumers worldwide purchase more than 19 million liters of confectionery each year.
“Global chocolate and confectionery continue to lead the way and continue to rise,” the experts noted.
Western Europe is the largest region by market value for chocolate and chewing gum, but it ranks second in confectionery. For chocolate, Western Europe contributed the largest share (39%); In confectionery, Asia contributed the largest share (38%). Meanwhile, according to Innova Market Insights, Eastern Europe has a higher percentage of new product launches in chocolate (13%) than in the confectionery category (8%).
“Most markets consume chocolate and candy for similar reasons: taste, pleasure, and indulgence/treat or reward,” the market researcher said.
In the report, 60% of consumers surveyed said the reason they eat chocolate is because it tastes good, followed by 44% who said it makes them happy. Another 39 percent said they “indulge/treat or reward themselves.” Another 34 percent eat chocolate to relax.
Taste is the most important thing, but so is sugar content
Experts believe that when it comes to confectionery, consumers want to enjoy low-calorie confectionery to suit their lifestyle, and taste is a priority for developing the confectionery industry.
“Reducing sugar consumption is the number one trend in food and drink, including confectionery.” According to Innova Market Insights’ report on health and nutrition, 73% of consumers in an average of 10 countries try to limit or reduce products/ingredients that are bad for them, such as sugar, salt, fat, etc.
It is worth noting that one of the drivers of this trend is the pandemic and, more recently, inflation, which is causing financial uncertainty. “At the same time that consumers are reevaluating their diets to achieve a better healthy lifestyle, they also want to find comfort in better-for-you candies,” the experts said.
Consumer interest in plant-based sweeteners is growing
According to a global report on the confectionery industry by Innova Market Insights, consumer desire for more plant-based products impacted the confectionery industry in 2021.
This has sparked interest in zero-calorie sweeteners derived from plants, such as stevia. In the same report, sugar-free and whole foods are in high demand in sweets and chewing gum.
The pressure is on brands to make foods and drinks that taste good, are better for you, and contain less or zero sugar. Experts point out that influential consumers such as millennials are especially in need of these changes.
At the same time, there is a growing discussion about nutrition and sustainability, which is also driving consumer acceptance of stevia. Research by Innova Market Insights found a 27% increase in new stevia product launches.
Pursuit of health
Demand for healthier confectionery has been driven by consumers stepping up to lead healthier lifestyles. “Globally, the quest for wellness has grown exponentially over the years,” the expert explains.

“During the pandemic, the quest for nutrition, immunity boosters and a healthy diet reached new levels, and the numbers soared. Increased consumer desire for health, coupled with population concentration in metropolitan centers and the fact that most consumers live demanding and anxious lives on a daily basis, has led to the growth of the market for health products.”
Taste challenge
The recipe for chocolate confectionery products is very complicated. According to the experts, “In addition to innovation around texture, satisfying taste and attractive colors, the biggest challenge in making candy chocolate is the bitterness.” The higher the cocoa content in the product, the more bitter it is and the less sugar it contains, but the healthier it is.”
When producing zero-sugar or even low-sugar confectionery products, product developers face obstacles in terms of taste adjustment.
Good for the earth
Today’s consumers want more sustainable products, but are unwilling to sacrifice nutrition. Sustainability and nutrition is one of the key macro trends for 2022.
This is also in line with Innova Market Insights’ One Planet 2022 trend, where brands and consumers need to play their part in shaping a sustainable future.

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